Well, last day in Nairobi. On the internet again. Haha, we take every chance we can get since it might be awhile before we get another. This morning we got up at 5am again and went with Boniface to feed the street kids like yesterday. Today there were 30 kids. Many had glue out this time and were high. They said our names were hard to remember. I decided to go by Mary instead since that is easy and everyone here is named that. They spelled my name Magin, and I decided to not tell them it has an h or they would be completely confused. The kids teased me about my swahili and we talked to a few who knew English about their lives. Joseph, the youngest, told us about how he buys the glue, why he does it, and that he is addicted. He has been on the streets for a year and a half now. It is very sad because many of them have homes and families looking for them. I wanted so badly to hug them all and give them a good meal and clothes. They choose this life though. Joseph begged Larissa and I to take him with us. It was hard to say no, he is so cute. James, another boy, found out I was a teacher and told Boniface to tell me to build a school nearby so I could teach him and the others. He kept telling me in Swahili to teach him and come live there. I definitely almost cried several times and wanted to say OK, I'll come live here after the orphanage! Who knows, perhaps someday I will. Pray for the boys on the streets of Nairobi that sniff glue all day everyday. It is ridiculously sad and breaks my heart that they feel they have no hope. Boniface is doing great work though and there has been progress with many of them. They really respect Boniface and I thank God for people like him. It has been a lesson learned that you cannot change people. I cannot take the glue away or scold them for doing that. I cannot put them back in their homes if they don't want to be there. Boniface consistently invests in their lives and prays for them and teaches them about how we have hope in Jesus. The results are not immediate, but there has been progress, and God is working in their lives. We are going back in a few weeks with clothes, soap, shoes, and food.
We are eating lunch with Mary from the orphanage then going to buy things for ourselves and for the kids. We have to buy lots of water for the next week or so. Even though I keep drinking their water on accident. Ben and Larissa and I were laughing last night because the first day Ben was all careful about what he was eating and Larissa and I just chowed down. I really think I am part African. I am learning Swahili very easily and have impressed our driver with my skills. It is mainly memorization. Can't wait to go back to the orphanage today. I have missed the kids the last few days. Tonight they are having an all night prayer service...we are hoping to make it through all of it. I don't know if I can pray for that long haha.
Here are some pictures, enjoy! I miss and love you all.

Gabu, short for Gabriel, I'm going to adopt him.

Kabera, largest slum in the world.

Jimmy, cutest thing I've ever seen.

Me, La, and Mercy.

The kids' home...the building to the right (can't see it) is the offices and guest house and kitchen for volunteers.

Our view, doesn't get any better...Great Rift Valley and mountains in the distance? Oh yes.

Cooking dinner. Everyone helps, there's a macheti on the table, can't see it...haha.

We are so American.

Goin on a safari! haha there were people dressed like this in the airport...ridiculous. I'm so sunburned, my arms and face are scorched.
We are eating lunch with Mary from the orphanage then going to buy things for ourselves and for the kids. We have to buy lots of water for the next week or so. Even though I keep drinking their water on accident. Ben and Larissa and I were laughing last night because the first day Ben was all careful about what he was eating and Larissa and I just chowed down. I really think I am part African. I am learning Swahili very easily and have impressed our driver with my skills. It is mainly memorization. Can't wait to go back to the orphanage today. I have missed the kids the last few days. Tonight they are having an all night prayer service...we are hoping to make it through all of it. I don't know if I can pray for that long haha.
Here are some pictures, enjoy! I miss and love you all.

Gabu, short for Gabriel, I'm going to adopt him.

Kabera, largest slum in the world.

Jimmy, cutest thing I've ever seen.

Me, La, and Mercy.

The kids' home...the building to the right (can't see it) is the offices and guest house and kitchen for volunteers.

Our view, doesn't get any better...Great Rift Valley and mountains in the distance? Oh yes.

Cooking dinner. Everyone helps, there's a macheti on the table, can't see it...haha.

We are so American.

Goin on a safari! haha there were people dressed like this in the airport...ridiculous. I'm so sunburned, my arms and face are scorched.
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